Swami Prakashanand Saraswati: Question & Answer on Hinduism and Bhakti

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, a revered spiritual teacher, emphasized the essence of Sanatan Dharm, guiding seekers toward true devotion and God-realization. In this enlightening Q&A session, he explains the foundation of Hinduism, the significance of karma yoga and bhakti yoga, and the deeper meaning of temple service and prayer.

Question & Answer Session with Swami Prakashanand Saraswati:

Question: Swamiji, what is Hinduism?

Answer: Sanatan Dharm is Hinduism. The Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Bhagwatam, and Puranas are books of Sanatan Dharm. They were not written by one single person, they were introduced in the heart of Brahma before the creation of this planetary system. When he created this brahmand, he produced Rishis, and Brahma gave that knowledge to the Rishis internally – a Divine telepathy. Then human civilization started and then the Rishis gave this knowledge to the souls. So Upanishads, Puranas, Gita, and Bhagwatam are the main scriptures which are part of Sanatan Dharm, or Hinduism, and to follow that path is Hinduism.

Question: Swamiji, in the Gita Lord Krishn says that you can achieve Me by karm yog or bhakti yog. What is karm yog?

Answer: Doing bhakti while living in the family life is karm yog. Becoming a sanyasi and doing bhakti is bhakti yog. Doing good karm, plus bhakti that’s karm yog.

Question: We are all doing volunteer work for our temples assuming that we are doing service to God.

Answer: Doing service to the temple could become rajas, tamas, sattvic or gunateet. What is your motivation behind that? You see action has no effect. Motivation has an effect. So why are you doing service to the temple? For your self-appreciation, or just because a person tells you to, or you want to hold the prestige of being president. What is behind that? That counts.

Question: Telling your problems or something to God, does it constitute bhakti?

Answer: Child could say anything to mother. Mother does what is good for him. Understand this, a child says everything to his mother without thinking. Mother only does that thing which is good for the child. So, you say whatever you like to God. He will do the right thing for you. Open your heart to Him.

Conclusion: Through this question-and-answer session, Swami Prakashanand Saraswati highlights that Hinduism is rooted in divine scriptures and true service to God depends on one’s inner intention. He encourages devotees to practice sincere bhakti, reminding them that just as a child trusts their mother, one must open their heart to God with unwavering faith.

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