Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, a profound spiritual teacher, emphasizes the transformative power of exclusive devotion and surrender to God. His teachings illuminate the eternal bond between the soul and Krishn, guiding seekers toward Divine love and grace.
According to Swami Prakashanand Saraswati:
If it comes in your mind that, “Truly I want God now,” and you have that intense longing for Him, there is no reason why He should not come. That is complete dedication. That is ananyata: exclusive devotion, exclusive bhakti, exclusive dedication, or exclusive surrender. Surrender, dedication, devotion, bhakti, all of these four words, signify the same thing.
When that happens, then He reveals Himself. Gita says, “Gyatumdrashtum…” Then you can see Him. You can visualize Him face-to-face. You can merge yourself in Him. You can experience His absolute radiance which is omnipresent in the world. You can play with Him. Whatever you wish, everything is possible. But whatever you wish, that depends upon you and upon your conception about God.
It should be a real form of God. Say for instance, in the world, you love someone as your daughter, someone as your friend, someone as your sister, someone as your mother. They are all women, but your relationship with them is different. That’s what I mean, you must remember the real God, but in the way you feel yourself related to God He will come to you in that form. So, this is bhakti, this is dedication, devotion, or surrender.
The Bhagwatam says, “Tathana Madhav…” This verse explains the Grace of Krishn. It says there are many, many confused aspirants who try to find God in their own way and devote years, and years, and years in isolation transcending inside into samadhi and trying to find God in their heart. They are called yogis and gyanis. They fail.
Krishn says, “My devotee who is not trying to find Me with his intellect, who is trying to dedicate himself to Me, he knows that his soul and Mine are not closely related, but are eternally closely related. It is not a ‘formed relation’, it is an eternal relation; it can never die. He experiences Me as his Divine Beloved and tries to find Me. Not with any demand or request, he only wants to love Me. That is all.”
“Such a devotee, or such a disciple, or such a bhakt, I take care of him even during his devotional period, and I don’t let him fall in the worldly mire. I protect him. Slowly, as his divine-love-consciousness increases, he feels Me closer and closer, and in the end, he finds Me.”
There were many Saints in India.
They all said very similar things.
Harivansh, Hari Das, Roop Goswami, Sanatan Goswami, Vallabhacharya, Nimbarkacharya, many acharyas said, “Dedicate yourself to God. He will take care of you, and in the end, He will come to you in His Divine personified form.”Conclusion:
Through his Divine wisdom, Swami Prakashanand Saraswati reveals that true divine love is attained through unwavering surrender and selfless devotion. By cultivating an eternal connection with Krishn, free from intellectual pursuits or material desires, devotees experience divine grace, protection, and ultimately, the bliss of His personal revelation.